Well, Kristi and Aaron have just left, Dad is at mutual and it is just me and Judge Judy. The dog is mopping around and it will be a few days before we get used to the absence of family. We had a great visit with them. The cutest of all was how much Betty Boop and Shaun loved each other. They couldn't leave each other alone, they wrestled each other to the ground. It was really cute. We are going to miss them all.
Last night we went to the Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach with Kristi and Aaron and Shelli and Romney. This is a world famous production in it's 75th year. It's in an outdoor amphitheater where live actors portray works of art by the greatest artists. You would never know they are real people, it looks just like the original painting. They conclude each year with DaVinci's Last Supper. It was great. I am a member and order my tickets in January, they sell out so quickly I just blindly pick a date and hope we will be able to go. It's usually in August and I always get extra tickets so whoever is here when the date comes gets to go. I hope I can afford the tickets next January. With this RE market, who knows, but we really enjoy it. Every year I am glad we are able to go. I am so amazed at all the things we can participate in where we live. San Diego is just wonderful. We probably live in the best place in the world for fun fantastic things to do.
5 years ago