Sunday, November 30, 2008


Thanksgiving Evening!

The food is eaten, the left overs put away, the dishes in the dishwasher and the kitchen is almost clean. I can't take another step. I am finally beginning to feel my age! As much as I enjoy all the preparations for a big feast, this is the final result! Crashed very early. I must say the food was exceptional. My pies could not have been better. I think I am going to have to have a pie making demonstration since I don't think any of my children and grandchildren can make a good crust. It would be a shame to lose my fantastic touch with pies, so be prepared - You will learn. My goal - never again a store bought crust in this family. I also put the rolls closer on the pan this year and they actually came out better. Try it, you'll be surprised. We had a wonderful day although we missed Susann and Eberly. Poor Eberly was sick, not only was it Thanksgiving, but it was her birthday! We are going to have to make that up to her, I sent home a whole cheesecake for her, it's her favorite. Don't know if she shared it or not! Now on to getting ready for Christmas!


Kricket said...

I love it! That picture speaks a thousand words. I'm terrible at making pies. Any time you want to show me how to make crust or even better, cheescake, let me know. :P

Amanda said...

I love the cheesecake as does josh, it's the only cheesecake he'll eat. but i must say that dani's crust was pretty yummy.